Better Energy, Better World

Convert Flare Gas to LNG.
New Technologies. New Gas Gathering System.
Welcome to the Future of LNG in Africa.

Partnering with Industry Stakeholders to Accelerate Gas Development in Nigeria for the Global Energy Transition by using Innovative Flare Gas Recovery Systems (FGRS) to Capture Flare Gas.

First of all

Clean Energy for a Sustainable Future

At Bayelsa LNG, we are dedicated to providing clean, reliable energy to the world while also benefiting the local community. Our state-of-the-art facility will harness both flared natural gas and abundant natural gas reserves to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG), reducing harmful emissions and promoting a sustainable future.

Not to mention

Our Commitment to Sustainability

With a target delivery date of 2028, the Bayelsa LNG De-Flaring facility will boast state-of-the-art technology, using flare-gas as feed gas with 4 LNG trains capable of producing a total of 6 Mtpa,

And let's not forget

Investing in the Local Community

Bayelsa LNG is committed to making a positive impact on the local community. By creating jobs and stimulating economic growth, we aim to improve the lives of those around us. We also prioritize local partnerships and support initiatives that benefit the community.


Bayelsa LNG is a leading provider of natural gas, committed to reducing pollution caused by flaring and promoting green energy solutions. Our state-of-the-art facility will produce 6 Mtpa of LNG, while also creating thousands of jobs, significantly contributing to the countries revenue and GDP, while supporting the development of local industries and stimulating economic growth in the local community.


Capture and Convert

Bayelsa LNG will use a mixture of feed gas from in-ground reserves as well as captured flared gas to supply its customers. Encouraging policies from the government and favorable business regulations make this a winning opportunity.

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